Wednesday, June 14, 2006

$100,000 Internet Advertising Blog

Is it possible to make $100,000 annually from Internet advertising using only a small low traffic blog? Actually it is not only possible but it is actually being done every day. And I'm not even talking about the lucrative blog sponsorship deals that are increasingly common the blogosphere these days where a fortune 500 company sponsors a small blog to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars every month. I am talking about a blog being able to raise a monthly average of about $8,400 from Internet advertising from clients who've purchased space in the blog site. This kind of consistent performance will put $100,000 into the pocket of a blogger by year-end.

Just like in the case of offline advertising sales, the niche targeted for is extremely important. The big secret here is that the better a job you do of targeting the right niche for your blog, the less important the volume of your traffic will be. A word of caution is in order here. It is absolutely significant for bloggers with low traffic to ensure that their limited traffic is highly targeted. Just by ensuring you do these two things I have mentioned within this paragraph, you will have a pretty good chance of generating $100,000 in Internet advertising from your blog even if you have as little as 50 to 100 unique visitors daily.

There is nothing wrong with targeting several small niches at the same time, that are all related to the subject matter of your blog. They will all neatly fall into separate pages which all have advertising space that can be hired out in exchange for dollars.

Which brings us to the other critical fact in generating advertising revenue for a blog. You must find a way of making full use of a significant amount of the space in each page of your blog if you intend to reach $100,000 in Internet advertising revenue for your blog.

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Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.
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Blog Internet Advertising Rates: Make A Fortune By Grasping The Offline Print Media Difference

There is an important hidden truth that has to do with blog Internet advertising rates and it is very important that you grasp and understand it well.

In the print media, space is limited by the cost of production which keeps ad rates high and makes the balance of content versus advertising critical to the financial success of any print publication that relies on advertising. The situation is completely different when it comes to blog Internet advertising rates. The cost of production and transmission of information to your audience is so low that it is almost zero. This means in essence that your ad rates can be very low and you'll still be profitable.

This difference with blog Internet advertising rates is important because in the print media world, ad rates can not go below a certain point because if they do, the publication will cease to be profitable.

This means that it is very viable to go for ad volumes at low rates and then use each and every page available to you to carry targeted ads that are relevant to the particular micro niche targeted in the content you have generated. That is exactly how Google Adsense has become the key division of a $100 million company. Some Adsense ads pay out less as a single digit cents figure. The money is then made on the volumes an because the rates are low, they are totally viable to the advertiser who knows exactly how many clicks they need to generate a single sale. They therefore come back again and again. Hidden here is one of the most important and critical secrets behind successful blog Internet advertising rates.

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Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.
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Blog Internet Advertising Rate Card: How To Create The Most Profitable One For You

So how does one set the rates in their blog Internet advertising rate card? How does a blogger decide how much to charge for their ads?

There is a very simple rule here. You will need a blog Internet advertising rate card that will attract as many advertisers as possible. Rather than looking at it from the point of view of how low or high the rate is, look instead at how effective and profitable it is for the advertiser. To do this you cannot avoid a comparison with PPC ads.

If an advertiser is already paying 20 cents per click and your blog Internet advertising rate card charges them what works out to about 5 cents per click and there is a promise of the same or an even better conversion rate, you have won over that advertiser.

The problem with most people in the advertising business is that they concentrate so much on what is in it for them. Shift your thinking slightly into what is in it for your advertisers and you'll be rewarded by a flood of clients flocking at your blog ready to sign on as advertisers. This kind of thinking starts right at the beginning with your blog Internet advertising rate card.

Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Blog Internet Advertising Made Easy

Seriously pursuing blog Internet advertising income is easy can dramatically increase virtually any blogger's revenue and has in the past made the life of many a blogger much more profitable.

Blog Internet advertising is made very easy when you sit down and devise a plan on how you are going to attract and generate advertising at your blog. It is really that simple. What you should be able to come up with in the end is a sort of made easy system for selling internet advertising at your blog. What is a system? A system like a production system, recruitment system and so on is a laid down procedure and process. In this case a specially designed process for selling online ads at your blog. Like all good effective selling systems, it will have a process for generating a constant flow of leads. Then you will need to have a carefullu planned effective way of handling and processing these leads so that you convert as many of them into actual sales as possible.

If this sounds very much like a car assembly line to you, then you are bang on target and have fully understood what a system is, especially in relation to your blog Internet advertising made easy.

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Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.

Best Blog Internet Advertising Can't Happen Without A Good System

For the best results in blog Internet advertising sales a good system is something you must have. There are really no two ways about it

Without a system, you will do all the best blog Internet advertising selling at the beginning when you are pumped up with enthusiasm, but your zeal will soon take a nose dive, especially of leads dry up to a trickle. With a system you simply make a decision to stick with your system and it will constantly generate a flow of steady leads and you will regularly convert some of the best leads into actual sales and Internet advertising revenue for your blog.

You will not only get the best results with a carefully designed system for generating Internet advertising for your blog, but you will also be able to sustain good results over a long period of time, which is what serious business and successful entrepreneurship is all about. The truth is that you need systems for everything and not just for your accounting and production.

Just like a steadily moving assembly line is a joy to behold as raw materials and parts are fed in one end and finished products emerge at the other, so is a good selling system. Just like in an assembly line, in a selling system, one can even predict exact sales by doing a simple calculation based on the number of leads being generated and the typical percentage conversion rate.

With a good well designed selling system in place, not only will you be able to get the best results while generating Internet advertising for your blog, but success will be virtually guaranteed.

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Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.
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How To Come Up With The Best System For Selling Internet Advertising At Your Blog

So how does one find the ideal system for selling Internet advertising for their blogs? How do they design a good documented method and procedure for generating leads and processing them so that as many of them as possible are converted into actual sales?

Actually it is much easier than you think. There are several effective ways of finding an ideal system for selling Internet advertising at your blog. The first is to find a site or blog that is selling advertising successfully and then carefully studying what they do to try and get an idea of how their selling and marketing system works. Naturally once you have intensively studied a marketing system for selling ads that you like, you can always modify it and even make quite a number of changes to it so that it is best suited to your blog.

It is also important to realize that you do not necessarily need to look for a working system of selling Internet advertising on a blog or site. You can even study a system for selling a wide range of products and other services and you can then adapt it to fit your situation and product. There is nothing wrong with taking a close look at the way some of the world's leading companies sell cosmetics cars and so on.

The other method of finding a good system for selling Internet advertising at your blog is to actually create one from scratch based on a careful study of your prospects and potential clients and the business at hand.

Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.

Blog Internet Advertising: How Bloggers Are Leaving A Fortune On The Table

Many bloggers are losing a fortune by ignoring blog Internet advertising and instead concentrating all their efforts on Adsense only.

There is nothing wrong with Adsense or somebody making a huge effort to maximize on their Adsense earnings, the only problem is that any blogger who concentrates all their efforts there is leaving a lot of blog Internet advertising money on the table.

It is a lot easier than you thought selling blog Internet advertising on your blog, no matter how small your traffic is. And what's more Google Adsense have absolutely no problem with you displaying others ads on your site, as long as they do not look like Google Adsense ads. Especially the text link ads.

Naturally the next question you are asking is why anybody would want to advertise i8n your low traffic site. In other words how on earth you are going to secure blog Internet advertising for your site.

The secret behind successfully selling blog Internet advertising is very simple. You will need to understand the power of niche advertising and niche marketing.

Here's the perfect illustration of what I want to say here. A client selling pianos may be looking for a site with very heavy traffic so as to maximize on their chances of making as many sales as possible from their ad. However the same piano seller will get very excited if a very low traffic blog that focuses on persons looking to buy a piano, got in touch with him. That's the real secret behind blog Internet advertising.

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Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.
Nancy Burpee is a world class paralympic swimmer, who has set world records in the 50 and 100 yards freestyle but was disqualified and thus effectively locked out from the 2004 Paralympic Games held in Athens, Greece on a procedural technicality. Law firm simmons jannace & stagg represented her in an effort to have the disqualification overturned and argued that the Australian referee showed bias against Ms. Burpee by making various comments indicating that the Australian referee did not want Ms. Burpee competing against an Australian paralympic swimmer at the games.

Lucrative Internet Advertising On Your Blog Can Be A Reality Today

No matter how low your traffic is, lucrative blog Internet advertising is very possible because there will always be somebody out there looking for a blog site just like yours to advertise in.

The tricky part is finding them if you do not know how to go about it.

So how does somebody go about finding lucrative blog Internet advertising clients for their blogs?

It should start with identifying what particular market niches would be most interested in your blog audience. To be able to do this effectively, you must understand the kind of people you are attracting to your blog very well. One effective way of doing this is by carefully looking through the comments being left by readers at your site. More often than not they will be able to tell you exactly the sort of people reading you. It will then be much easier to tell the sort of products or services that they would be interested in most as the first step to attracting lucrative Internet advertising to your blog.

If you have had some email exchanges in the past with some of your blog visitors then a nice little personal email asking them what sort of products and services would interest them the most, can help you a great deal in identifying possible lucrative blog Internet advertising clients.

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Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.
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Blog Internet Advertising Secrets

The magic about the World Wide Web and the great blog Internet advertising secret is the fact that the net has such a huge audience that one is bound to find enough numbers in virtually every little niche that they choose to pursue.

This means that however tiny the niche of potential advertisers that you choose to cover in your blog, the secret here is that chances are very high that the market for potential Internet advertising clients will be big enough for your to be successful.

Never forget the fact that the tinier the niche you select the higher the chances of success. The secret power of the Internet niche dramatically wipes out the odds usually stacked against your tiny blog attracting lucrative advertising. What's more you can narrow your already selected tiny niche into numerous tinier micro niches in the blog posts and pages in your blog. This is very simply done using the sort of content that you choose to post at your blog.

In fact you can use the same content to attract the interest of your potential blog advertisers. Mentioning them in your article or posts can do this. There is nothing that will attract so much attention so quickly from your potential or prospective advertiser than mentioning their names in an article posted at your blog. This is one of the blog Internet advertising secrets that is bound to help you reap huge rewards.

Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Internet Business Opportunity Using Laptop: How I Launched A Lucrative Business From The Premises Of My Day Job Employer

My current full time Internet business started as a part time opportunity run on some laptop at my day job employer's premises.

I was hired as a specialist PR writer and there were long stretches of inactivity and while the rest of the guys idled it away chatting and consuming huge amounts of coffee, I spent it on the Internet. I started off seriously looking at every viable Internet opportunity that I thought I could comfortably run off a laptop.

Finally I settled on using my writing skills to create blogs and cash in on affiliate programs and at the same time providing SEO writing services to clients.

My Internet business opportunity using a laptop started off slowly as there was a lot to learn, especially about how to promote and market the services that I was offering.

Soon I had a system in place that worked pretty well and I was able to put in some good work in my brand new Internet business opportunity using laptops during slow periods. At work my employer had no problem with me using the Internet link and when I got off, I would use various links to the net depending on where I was at that particular time.

Fortunately my Internet business opportunity using a laptop soon started to take off pretty well. It was just as well because shortly after things started to look up, I became a victim of down-sizing. I really didn't think that I was ready to turn my part time Internet business opportunity using a laptop into a full time venture just yet. So I continued to look for a new job even as I developed my small Internet business. To my surprise and delight my laptop Internet business opportunity started taking care of me and I abandoned my job-seeking efforts to fully concentrate on the business.

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Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.

Laptop Work At Home Business Opportunity: How To Select The Ideal Part Time Business Idea

To be able to take full advantage of the laptop and your part time business, you will have to select the most ideal work at home business opportunity idea for you. This is no easy task but if you follow a few guidelines, chances of stumbling on a winner become much higher.

You Will Need To Be Very Familiar With Your Work At Home Business Opportunity Idea For The Laptop Advantage To Work
For any part time business to work, you will need to select an area that you are thoroughly familiar with. It is the only way that you will be able to fully enjoy the benefits of your work at home business opportunity laptop initiative.

Always remember that while you may just be able to get away with an unfamiliar business venture when working on it on a full time basis, there is absolutely no way an unfamiliar work at home business opportunity using a laptop will work as a spare time activity. You will be doomed to failure almost before you start.

Are You Able To Make Use Of Your Gift With Your Work At Home Business Opportunity Using A Laptop Venture?
Everybody has a special gift that enables him or her to do something virtually effortlessly. It is usually something they enjoy doing. If by any chance the work at home business opportunity using a laptop idea that you come up with is related to that special gift in your life, then chances of success will dramatically improve.
Interested in an online home study course where a blogger (making thousands of dollars monthly... and growing rapidly) spills all his guts about the little known secrets of using only articles to market?
You Need Plenty Of Keyword Rich Posts To Make Money With Your Blog
Experienced Blogger/Writer Now Available To Supply Lots Of Posts At Dirt-Cheap Rates.