Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Blog Internet Advertising Rate Card: How To Create The Most Profitable One For You

So how does one set the rates in their blog Internet advertising rate card? How does a blogger decide how much to charge for their ads?

There is a very simple rule here. You will need a blog Internet advertising rate card that will attract as many advertisers as possible. Rather than looking at it from the point of view of how low or high the rate is, look instead at how effective and profitable it is for the advertiser. To do this you cannot avoid a comparison with PPC ads.

If an advertiser is already paying 20 cents per click and your blog Internet advertising rate card charges them what works out to about 5 cents per click and there is a promise of the same or an even better conversion rate, you have won over that advertiser.

The problem with most people in the advertising business is that they concentrate so much on what is in it for them. Shift your thinking slightly into what is in it for your advertisers and you'll be rewarded by a flood of clients flocking at your blog ready to sign on as advertisers. This kind of thinking starts right at the beginning with your blog Internet advertising rate card.

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