Tuesday, May 30, 2006

How A Part Time Entrepreneur Can Use A Laptop To Make Money From Their Home Based Business Opportunity

It is really sad that many part time and home based entrepreneurs have taken the new generation of laptops for granted and are blind to the amazing new doors of business opportunity that have been opened by this small mobile computer that you can easily carry everywhere you go.

Plan Your Tasks In Advance On Your Home Based Business Opportunity Laptop
Being a part time home based business opportunity entrepreneur is excellent training before you take the full time plunge and it is all made possible by the laptop. The first thing you need to be successful is to be very organized and efficient, qualities that your require to succeed in any business.

It is important than you plan all your work and break them down into tasks before you go to work. If you can be able to break down all your tasks so that you can do them in short brief bursts throughout the day and still maintain your momentum, then that will be great. The problem with interruptions when you are doing most tasks is that they are very time consuming and result in very slow progress. This is because each time you go back to the task, you will have to waste a lot of time finding your way back to where you left off so that you can pick up again from there. To avoid this in your part time home based business opportunity it is advisable that you organize your tasks on your laptop so that they are as short as possible.

This dramatically increases your chances of finishing off something before you are interrupted. For example if you have to send off a sales letter email to a prospect. You can break up this assignment into the following separate tasks.

- Prepare strategy and objective of email sales letter
- Write introduction paragraph
- Write two paragraphs in the body of the text.
- Write concluding paragraph
- Review letter
- Spell Check
- Send email.

If you don't do this you'll find that you may be stuck on the first paragraph the whole day with constant interruptions taking you back and forth the whole day. This time management gem that can be used to eat a whole elephant will be of great help as you work on your part time home based business opportunity from your laptop.

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